WhatsApp New Privacy Policy Know Everything About It

WhatsApp has updated its privacy policy terms and all users have until 8 February 2021 to accept these terms. WhatsApp’s policy always starts with the following statement: 

WhatsApp New Privacy Policy

“Respect for privacy is coded into our DNA. Since we started WhatsApp, we’ve aspired to build our Services with a set of strong privacy principles in mind.”


But the new WhatsApp New Privacy Policy terms are in motion and they make sure that WhatsApp is end-to-end encrypted. Now the app has renounced these terms and now messages can’t be seen shared with anyone as a part of WhatsApp new privacy policy.

The new policy also shows a heavy influence of Facebook and its products. While using the app earlier, personal information like IP Address could be traced by Facebook or its other in-app services. Now while using other in-app services, WhatsApp’s privacy policy and terms and conditions are no longer applicable; the app’s privacy policy will be followed.

The relation between Facebook and its other services has been mentioned in the policy. The content shared by WhatsApp with Facebook focuses on making personalised content and making suggestions. This exchange of information is to help provide a better experience and show relevant ads to the users. 

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The main changes in the policy is the information extracted from the device used such as, battery percentage, signal strength, browser information, the kind of mobile network used, language and time zone.

Some further changes in the policy is about deleting an account from the platform. If an account is deleted from the platform without using the in-app delete feature and simply uninstalling the app, then the user’s information still remains with WhatsApp.

The data shared may also be shared with the data collection centres of Facebook, as mentioned explicitly in the policy. And as for location tracking, even if Location features are turned off, it can be tracked by using the phone number codes to find out the country or city. 

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One of the last few changes that has been made to the policy about the business’ privacy policy. It states that, “Businesses might be working with third-party service providers to help manage their communications with their customers.”

The app has also presented its payment options in India and other countries, and how additional information like payment account and transaction information. In India, the platform has provided its own privacy policy terms as well. 

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