How To Recover Deleted Messages On WhatsApp? Checkout Now

WhatsApp is known to bring the latest features in their app versions. In late 2017, Whatsapp introduced its new feature called the “Delete for everyone” feature. This feature lets you delete a sent message from the receiver’s end. Currently, this feature is available in private chats and group chats.

Though the feature is a safety measure to make amends to something you already did. But you are still in deep water as the receiver still gets a notification stating “This message was deleted” in their chat head. And the message is prohibited by anyone to see.


Many users have already been fed up with the feeling to be intrigued by the deleted message. However, there is a way to see deleted messages on WhatsApp.

Recover Deleted messages on Whatsapp

How to Recover Deleted WhatsApp Messages

WhatsRemoved+ is a third-party app that lets you read the deleted messages from anyone in your WhatsApp. The app can use your notification from different applications on the phone and store it in the form of data.

This data is then acquired by the user in the application details. The data contain OTPs, passwords, text alerts, and any other information displayed on your phone notification. Currently, the application is available for Android users only.

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So if you have an Android phone and you have to see what’s been deleted from your WhatsApp messages by any sender, the following are the steps to install the app and configure it and see your deleted WhatsApp messages.

Step 1: Download and install WhatsRemoved+ from Google Play Store.

Step 2: Finish setting up the app by selecting the app and granting access to all the permissions the app asks for.

Step 3: After setting up the app, go back to the app where you will be asked to select the apps that you want to store data from and save notifications. Select WhatsApp from the list and click Next.

Step 4: From the next screen, click Yes, Save Files. Then click Allow. Now your app has been activated for you to use.

Step 5: From now on, every notification received for WhatsApp could be accessed by you. To access the data, open the app, and click the top bar and select WhatsApp.

Short Tip: It is a third-party app that you are allowing the permission to look into any personal information displayed on your notification. This could contain your bank account details or recent OTPs. That is why we urge you to use the app only if it is a great necessity.

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