Google Chrome Users at High Risk- Indian Govt Issues Warning


Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-IN) has come up with a warning for the Google Chrome users. According to CERT-IN, Google Chrome users are vulnerable to cyber attacks and could end up being scammed due to the security loopholes on Chrome. The security breach is possible on both Windows and Apple products.

CERT-In has identified many vulnerabilities in Google Chrome versions older than 122.0.6261.11/2 for Windows and Mac operating systems in its most recent advisory note, CIVN-2024-0085. These vulnerabilities have been assigned a HIGH severity rating, meaning that there might be a substantial danger to users from them.

Google Chrome Users at High Risk- Indian Govt Issues Warning

High Risk Security Issues in Google Chrome

FedCM: This component is susceptible to an issue known as “use-after-free,” which effectively gives hackers the ability to alter the browser’s memory after it has been used, perhaps resulting in code execution.

V8: There are vulnerabilities relating to “out of beyond memory access” and “inappropriate implementation” in the JavaScript engine of Google Chrome. These vulnerabilities may allow hackers to insert malicious code or bring down your browser entirely.

CERT-IN warns that these issues on Google Chrome could left to the theft of data and malware uploadation on the target device. Google has fixed the issue in the latest version and therefore it is advised to update your Chrome to the newest version.

Also read: Google Chrome Notifies About a Critical Bug, Rolled Out a Fix Too

What Could Happen With the Google Chrome Security Breach?

Hacked System: Hackers could take control of your entire desktop or laptop with these security glitches in Google Chrome. The loopholes allow them to insert malware which could lead to you losing control of your device.

Deletion of Data: Your entire data in the computer could be wiped out by the hackers if they manage to breach the security of Google Chrome by using the vulnerabilities that CERT-IN has pointed out.

Forced Demands: Hackers could also demand money from the Google Chrome users to leave their data alone after getting into the system with either FedCM or C8 vulnerability.

How to Keep Safe?

Simply updating your Google Chrome to the newest version would lead to the avoidance of the security vulnerabilities. However, Google Chrome users must keep in mind that there are always some loopholes on the internet which the hackers could use to their advantage. Keep all your data secured with different passwords and do not click on unknown links and websites to be completely safe on the web.


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