Here’s how to get Driving License without visiting the RTO


Is the fear of waking up at 5 AM in the morning to stand in long queues at RTOs, keeping you from getting a driving license? Well, now you don’t have to worry about this issue because the Transport department of India has brought several welcoming changes in the driving license procedure.



How has the process changed?

Individuals wanting to get a driving license, have no need to visit Regional Transport Offices and waste their precious time. Moreover, the mandatory skill test for obtaining the permit to drive has been removed from the process to make it much more efficient and smoother.

How to procure a Driving License?

driving license test

For acquiring a driving license, the Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has led specific guidelines that need to be followed by the people wanting to obtain the permit. A person needs to enrol in a driving school recognized by the Trasport authority of India.

The driving school will train the candidate with all Traffic rules and regulations to mould a skilled driver, ready to drive seamlessly on the Indian roads after the course ends. After completing the driving training, the candidate will receive a certificate that will form the basis for issuing a driving license.

Important guidelines that need to be followed by the applicants and driving school:

driving test

  • The driving schools must possess at least one acre of land if the training school is authorized to impart driving skills for two-wheelers, three-wheelers and light motor vehicles.
  • The authorised centres for providing certificates to medium and heavy passenger good vehicles must possess at least two acres of land for conducting training.
  • The trainers at the institutes must have 5 years of experience as an instructor and should possess a certificate of qualifying 12th standard.
  • The driving trainers need to be well-versed with up to dated traffic rules and regulations imposed by the Ministry of Transport in India.
  • The driving schools need to follow the curriculum devised by the Transport authority and teach according to the rules laid in it.
  • A candidate must complete 8 hours of theoretical training along with 21 hours of outdoor driving training to obtain the license.


Also read: Delhi Government Will Soon Introduce Smart Features Like QR Code and NFC in Driving Licenses


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