Bhagavanth Kesari is an upcoming Telugu-language action-comedy film directed by Anil Ravipudi and produced by Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi under the Shine Screens banner. The film features Nandamuri Balakrishna in the lead role, alongside Kajal Aggarwal, Sreeleela, and Arjun Rampal, who is making his debut in Telugu cinema. The music for the film, including the soundtrack and background score, is composed by Thaman S. The film has a total budget of around Rs 90 Crore and a huge part of that is spent on the salary of cast members.
Bhagavanth Kesari Cast Salary
Nandamuri Balakrishna plays the lead role of Nelakonda Bhagavanth Kesari in the film for a whopping salary of Rs 20 Crore. Balakrishna is a veteran South Indian actor who has an insane fan following in the Southern part of India.
Popular actress Kajal Aggarwal is playing the female lead, Kathyayani in Bhagavanth Kesari for a huge fee of Rs 2 Crore. She is among the highest paid South Indian actresses.
Also read: Bhagavanth Kesari Budget and Box Office Collection Prediction
Sreeleela is also playing the key role of Vijayalakshmi “Viji” in the film for a salary of around Rs 1.5 Crore. Lastly Bollywood actor, Arjun Rampal will be seen as Rahul Sanghvi in the film for a fee of Rs 3 Crore.