Short And Sweet is an upcoming Marathi comedy drama movie directed by Ganesh Dinkar Kadam. Written by Swapnil Barskar, this movie features Sonali Kulkarni and Harshad Atkari in the lead roles, while Rasika Sunil, Shridhar Watsar, Ajit Bhure, Omkar Bhojane, Tushar Khair, and many others in the supporting roles. The movie is produced by Payal Ganesh Kadam and Vinod Rao under the banner of Shubham Productions. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Short And Sweet release date, cast, story, teaser, trailer and more.
Short And Sweet Movie Release Date
The much awaited Marathi movie Short And Sweet which is already among the most anticipated and must-watch Marathi movies of 2023 is all set to release in cinema halls on November 3, 2023.
Short And Sweet Movie Cast
- Sonali Kulkarni
- Onkar Bhojane
- Rasika Sunil
- Harshad Atkari
- Ajit Bhure
- Shridhar Watsar
- Tushar Khair
Short And Sweet Movie Story
The story of Short And Sweet movie revolves is as sweet as the name suggests.
Short And Sweet Movie Teaser
The official teaser of Short And Sweet movie was released by Rajshri Marathi on their official YouTube channel.
Short And Sweet Movie Trailer
The official trailer of Short And Sweet movie was released by Rajshri Marathi on their official YouTube channel.
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Short And Sweet Movie FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Short And Sweet movie?
A. Short And Sweet movie will be released on 3rd November 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Short And Sweet movie?
A. Short And Sweet movie is directed by Ganesh Dinkar Kadam.
Q. Who are the producers of Short And Sweet movie?
A. Short And Sweet movie is produced by Payal Ganesh Kadam and Vinod Rao.
Q. Who is the writer of Short And Sweet movie?
A. Short And Sweet movie is written by Swapnil Barskar.