Dhruva Natchathiram is an upcoming Tamil action thriller movie written and directed by Gautham Vasudev Menon. The movie features Vikram and Ritu Varma in the lead roles, along with Aishwarya Rajesh, Dhivyadharshini, Vinayakan, Arjun Das, Raadhika Sarathkumar, Vamsi Krishna, Sathish Krishnan, Munna, Salim Baig, Preethi Nedumaran, and Abhirami Venkatachalam in the supporting roles. The movie is produced by Gautham Vasudev Menon, P Madhan, Reshma Ghatala, and Venkat Somasundaram under the banner of Ondraga Entertainment, Escape Artist, Kondaduvom Entertainment and Oruoorileoru Film House. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Dhruva Natchathiram movie release date, cast, story, teaser, trailer and more.
Dhruva Natchathiram Movie Release Date
The much awaited Tamil action thriller Dhruva Natchathiram, starring Vikram and Ritu Varma is all set to release in cinema halls on November 24, 2023 in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi languages.
Dhruva Natchathiram Movie Cast
- Vikram
- Vinayakan
- Benedict Garrett
- Benedict Garrett
- Simran
- Aishwarya Rajesh
- Ritu Varma
- Arjun Das
- Divyadarshini
- Radhika Sarathkumar
- Vamsi Krishna
- Shravanthi Sainath
- Parthiban Radhakrishnan
- Abhirami Venkatachalam
- Maya Krishnan
- Sathish Krishnan
- Saleem Baig
- Munna
- MD Asif
Dhruva Natchathiram Movie Story
The story of Dhruva Natchathiram movie follows John, a New York-based undercover agent and his team is entrusted with a secret mission to bring back the leader of the team who has gone missing mysteriously.
Dhruva Natchathiram Movie Teaser
The official teaser of Dhruva Natchathiram movie was released by Sony Music South on their official YouTube channel.
Dhruva Natchathiram Movie Trailer
The official trailer of Dhruva Natchathiram movie was released by Sony Music South on their official YouTube channel.
Also Read: Leave The World Behind Movie Release Date, Cast, Plot, Teaser, Trailer & More
Dhruva Natchathiram Movie FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Dhruva Natchathiram movie?
A. Dhruva Natchathiram movie will be released on 24th November 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Dhruva Natchathiram movie?
A. Dhruva Natchathiram movie is directed by Gautham Vasudev Menon.
Q. Who are the producers of Dhruva Natchathiram movie?
A. Dhruva Natchathiram movie is produced by Gautham Vasudev Menon, P Madhan, Reshma Ghatala, and Venkat Somasundaram.
Q. Who is the writer of Dhruva Natchathiram movie?
A. Dhruva Natchathiram movie is written by Gautham Vasudev Menon.