The rainy season brings a lot of dirt. Along with insects. Often, as soon as the rain stops, flies enter the house from somewhere. It feels strange when these buzzing flies sit on the body. At the same time, they are also the home of terrible diseases. Infection spreads very fast with the help of flies. In such a situation, if there are small children in the house, then especially do not let flies enter the house. In this article, you will get to know some simple ways to get rid of flies.

Use camphor to get rid of flies
Flies also run away from the smell of camphor. Burn camphor in the house and spread the smoke. This will make the flies run away immediately.
Make this special mixture at home to get rid of flies
Along with flies, this special mixture will also help in getting rid of small insects that usually appear on fruits. To make this mixture, take a small box and make a lot of holes on its lid. Then fill half of the box with salt and add liquid dishwasher. Also keep a naphthalene tablet. Now close the lid. The smell of this mixture will come out from the hole made on the lid and flies and mosquitoes will not enter the house. Wherever flies come more, make this mixture in a box and keep it in a corner. You will get rid of mosquitoes and flies easily.
Also Read: Avoid Eating These 5 Foods during Rainy Season to Prevent Stomach Discomfort
Make a lemon salt spray to keep away the flies
Put lemon juice in a spray bottle and add two teaspoons of salt. Add water and mix well and spray it at the places where flies are seen. The smell of lemon and salt will not let these flies sit.