How to Pay Electricity Bill Using Gpay? New Offers/Coupons For The Payments App


Gpay is one of the most popular payment apps in India. One of the reasons for the same is that they give out heavy offers from the start. Now, if you’re searching for new offers and ways in which you can use the power of Gpay then you’re just right on point.


Usually, Gpay is used for payments only but do you know that you can recharge, pay electricity bills using gpay and do more with the app itself? Well! If you don’t then now you know. So, to tell you how to do that only we’ll give you an example.

How to Pay Electricity Bill Using Gpay?

How to Pay Electricity Bill Using Gpay?

Install the Gpay app on your device or if you already have the app then open it by using the app drawer of your smartphone.
Navigate to the button that says ‘ New Payments’ and click on it.
On a new screen, you’ll be presented with some new options. You have to select ‘Bill Payments’ among all those.
In the next set, you’ll have to choose the ‘Electricity Bill option in Gpay

Select the Agency where you want the payment for example UPPCL, NTPCL, or more.
Enter your consumer account, billing company, and other details to generate a bill.
Now, upon bill generation, pay the sum of the amount you have generated, and voila! You have paid your electricity bill with Gpay.

Offers and Codes for Gpay

Many of you would be more interested in offers and coupons for the Gpay app. Since we all want to save some extra bucks, we’d be looking at some coupons that we’re offered.

Also Read- Google Pay Coming Up With New Features Like Simplified Interface & More!

Coolwinks Offer

While purchasing glasses from Coolwinks and making a payment through Google pay you can avail of a discount of 55% and more. The offer is applicable on purchase of 1500 and above.

Coupon Code: CWGPAY55

ICICI Fastag

Fastags are requirements these days and you need to have them if you’re someone who might need them handy. Now, if you buy the ICICI Fastag from ICICI Fastag Spot using Gpay then you can get a cashback of INR 100.

Coupon Code: Not Required

Also Read- Checkout The Latest Offers On Electricity Bill Payment


Cashback For Paying Local Merchants

Yes! You can be rewarded with anything between INR 5 to INR 100 by paying at any in-store local Gpay merchant. The sum of the amount has to be greater than INR 25 and the deal ends on April 30th, 2021.

Coupon Code: Not Required


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