How to Identify Dengue Mosquitoes? This is the Correct Method

Dengue mosquitoes lay eggs 3 days after biting humans. When the eggs are filled with water in the rain, the larvae start coming out of them. These larvae survive by eating algae, small aquatic creatures.


With the onset of rains, the risk of dengue has also increased. During the monsoon from July to October, there are favorable conditions for mosquitoes to thrive. In such a situation, there is a need to be alert for a few months. Dengue mosquitoes are quite different from common mosquitoes. Symptoms are not visible immediately after its bite. Its effect is visible after a few days. In this article, we are going to tell you how dengue mosquitoes are different and how to identify them.

How dengue mosquitoes lay eggs?

Dengue mosquitoes lay eggs 3 days after biting humans. When the eggs get filled with water in the rain, larvae start coming out of them. These larvae survive by eating algae, small aquatic organisms, plant particles in containers filled with water. Mosquitoes are formed from eggs in 7 to 8 days. Whose lifespan is about 3 weeks. These mosquitoes can survive in summer but cannot survive in winter.

What is a dengue mosquito like?

How to Identify Dengue Mosquitoes? This is the Correct Method

Dengue fever is caused by the bite of Aedes mosquitoes, which are female mosquitoes, which lay eggs in nearby stagnant water and plants. They can prey not only on humans but also on animals. Dengue mosquitoes are small, dark in color, whose legs are tied. This is the reason why these female mosquitoes cannot fly at high heights and are smaller than other mosquitoes. This mosquito usually bites inside the house and lays eggs in water during the day.

When do dengue mosquitoes bite during the day?

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes bite during the day. They are most active two hours after sunrise and several hours before sunset, but they can also bite at night. Since these mosquitoes cannot fly much, they bite on the ankles and elbows.

Also Read: 7 Best Ways to Protect Yourself from Dengue

How to avoid dengue mosquitoes?

  • Clean things filled with water.
  • Keep cleaning water vessels every week.
  • Fill holes and other cavities in plants with soil.
  • Cover the body by wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants, shoes and socks.
  • Apply mosquito repellent cream with 10% DEET in open spaces.
  • Use mosquito nets to protect children from dengue.
  • Keep doors and windows closed during the day.

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