Everything About The ‘Janta Curfew’ On 22 March


With 170 cases and 4 deaths reported in the last 2 weeks, India has become the next destination for the attack. For the sake of his people’s stability, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the country in his speech yesterday and introduced the ‘Janta Curfew’ on 22nd March(Sunday) from 7 am to 9 pm.

The pandemic that brought many nations down to their knees had become a worldwide topic of fear and distress. With its initial from Wuhan, China and spread over 25 countries till yet has become one major global disaster.


In his speech today, PM Modi talked about the national emergency the country is facing. With so much distress and tension in the people, someone has to take stand against all odds.

PM Modi urged people to stay at their home on March 22 and prevent any panic buying. Not only this will cause mental stress over people’s minds but additionally create an unbalanced distribution of the resources in the country.

In his speech, PM Modi stated, “For the past two months, millions are working day and night in hospitals and airports and those serving others by not taking care of themselves. On Mar 22, at 5 pm, we should stand on our doorways, balconies, in our windows and keep clapping hands and ringing the bells for five minutes to salute and encourage the hardworking citizens of our country.”

Impact Over The Country From The ‘Janta Curfew’

Though the country is facing considerable loss in the economy, the next few days are going to be more squeezable. For the time being, education centers are advised to stay close until March 31.

Doctors are advised to postpone surgeries, if possible. Hospitals are suggested to create a clean environment for their patients.

Entertainment outlets like malls and theatres will be going to have the least attendance. Fearing the outgrowth, many companies have advised their workforce to ‘Work from home’ until any latest updates arrive.

According to the Economic Times, there is a 38% fall in the restaurant business and this is the beginning of declination. Additionally, domestic and international air routes will have to suffer up to 15-20% fewer bookings daily.

Railway and land transportation infrastructure experience the least traffic in the last quarter. Lastly, the consumer including the food, clothing and small scale industries that account for the most part, will experience the maximum pain.

Benefits from Janta Curfew

The doctors within the country are currently working at their full potential to prevent the pandemic from expanding and also, covering the healthcare of those who are already exposed. While they are doing so, some people who refuse to follow along with the guidelines, are roaming out and trying to not follow through the social cut off.

They claim that they are strong enough to deal with the pandemic and nothing will happen to them but even if that’s true, they might be potential carriers for the coronavirus, which will affect others. By, mandatorily applying a curfew, the doctors get empowered as their request to stay inside is heard in a proper way.

People will join hands, understand that this epidemic is not a hoax but something to be taken very seriously and will remember that for the upcoming dire situation.

Additionally, you’ll get to spend some quality time with the family as well. which usually we don’t get to have for the day to day workload is immense and it doesn’t let us spare that much time for the family.

What Precautions Should be Taken During ‘Janta Curfew’?

Due to the movement, people are advised to stay vigilant throughout this major outbreak. As for the senior citizens, it is highly advised to stay inside.

For young ones, come out only when essential. Avoid piling up of resources such as food and medical aid. Do not cut the wages of those who work in your home but aren’t able to attend.

Keep yourself updated for the time of in-house quarantine. Spend time with your family. Spread the word about the Janta Curfew to more and more people, stay safe and aware.


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