Finding Your Nearest Aadhaar Seva Kendra is now very easy! Check this


Yes! Your nearest Aadhaar Seva Kendra might be closer than you actually think but who is to tell? Well! Unlike before, where you would have to ask a local for the same, we have a modern age solution.


Nearest Aadhaar Centres near you

All you need for the same is a smart device, be it a smartphone or a computer, and your problem of finding the nearest Aadhaar Seva Kendra is sorted in a couple of minutes. Now, how’s this possible?

It’s made simple by the UIDAI’s new service which lets you haggle with this problem in an online manner. So, whether it’s changing the phone number or address or any other detail on your Aadhaar card, all you have to do is look it up online.

Also Read- How to Update Photo in Your Aadhaar Card?

The steps to finding out your nearest Aadhaar Seve Kendra are as follows:

  1. Open the official UIDAI Website.
  2. Find the section named ‘My Aadhaar’.
  3. Inside, you’ll find another option marked as ‘Get Aadhaar’, click on it.
  4. On the next screen that pops up, you’ll find a special option marked as ‘Locate an Enrolment Center’, click on it and it will provide you with further options.
  5. The next segment will allow you to locate what you’re looking for, from the start, which is your nearest Aadhaar Seva Kendra by getting your state, postal (PIN) code, or locality, city, or district name.
  6. The form that you just filled will ask for an AutoCaptcha, so if you’re not a robot, you better prove it at this point.
  7. Moving onto the last step of the process, all that is left to do is click on the button marked as ‘Locate a Centre’.
  8. Voila! You have located your nearest Aadhaar Seva Kendra and along with that, the details of contact along with full address will appear on the screen.

It is to be noted that your nearest Aadhaar Seva Kendra is only operable starting from 9:30 AM to 5:30 AM IST. Additionally, there if you’ve ever visited any one of these centers before, you might already know that there is a token system going on.

Also Read- Avail More Than 35 Services While Using the mAadhaar App: Find Out More

So, better hurry, or the slots for the day for making amends to the Aadhaar Card will be filled already.


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