HanuMan, a 2024 Indian Telugu-language superhero film, helmed by Prasanth Varma and produced by Niranjan Reddy Kandagatla under Primeshow Entertainment, showcases an ensemble cast including Teja Sajja, Amritha Aiyer, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Raj Deepak Shetty, and Vinay Rai. Set in the fictional village of Anjanadri, it serves as the inaugural chapter in the Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe, paving the way for the subsequent installment, Adhira. This article covers everything about the budget and day 10 box office collection of Hanuman movie.
Hanuman Movie Box Office Collection Day 10
Hanuman is reportedly earning Rs 4 Crore at the box office on day 10. The multilingual film has created a big hype despite being made on a small amount of budget. The film is expected to be successful in the Hindi market as well. It’s box office collection from Hindi language version on day 10 is going to be around Rs 1 Crore. From Tamil and Telugu version, the film is expected to collect around Rs 3 Crore in total.
Also read: Captain Miller Box Office Collection Day 10 and Budget
Hanuman Movie Budget
Hanuman Movie was decided to be made on a budget of around 15 Crore but the VFX and technologies have pushed the budget to Rs 25 Crore. Despite that, it is still among the most cost effective superhero films of all time. The VFX looks amazing when compared to the budget of the film.