Captain Miller, a 2024 Indian Tamil-language action-adventure film directed by Arun Matheswaran and produced by Sathya Jyothi Films, features Dhanush in the titular role. The cast includes Shiva Rajkumar, Priyanka Arul Mohan, Aditi Balan, Sundeep Kishan, Edward Sonnenblick, and John Kokken in supporting roles. Here we delve into the day 10 box office collection of Captain Miller in detail.
Captain Miller Box Office Collection Day 10
Captain Miller is going to earn around Rs 0.5 Crore at the box office on day 10. Dhanush starrer Tamil period action thriller has gotten good reviews and is expected to pick the pace with Pongal festivities. Captain Miller follows Analeesan “Eesa”, a former British soldier called Captain Miller, who is on a mission to protect the people from the British after witnessing an atrocity.
Also read: Saindhav Tamil Movie Box Office Collection Day 9 and Budget
Captain Miller Budget
Captain Miller is estimated to be made on a budget of around Rs 40 Crore. Dhanush starrer is produced by Sendhil Thyagarajan and Arjun Thyagarajan under the banner of Sathya Jyothi Films.