Delete Release Date on Netflix, Cast, Plot, Teaser, Trailer and More

Everything you need to know about the upcoming Thai web series Delete on Netflix.


Delete is an upcoming Thai thriller web series releasing soon on Netflix. The series is directed by Parkpoom Wongpoom. The series will feature Chutimon Chuengcharoensukying and Nat Kitcharit in the lead roles while Duangjaj Hransri, Pattarasuda Anumanrajadhon and Nattarat Nopparattayaporn will be seen in the supporting roles. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Netflix’s Delete release date, cast, plot, teaser, trailer and more.

Delete Release Date on Netflix, Cast, Plot, Teaser, Trailer and More

Delete Release Date on Netflix

Netflix has officially announced the release date of the much awaited Thai web series Delete. Fans can mark their calendars for June 28, 2023, as the series is available to binge-watch on this date.


Delete Cast

  • Chutimon Chuengcharoensukying
  • Nat Kitcharit
  • Pattarasuda Anumanrajadhon
  • Duangjai Hiransri
  • Sarika Sartsilpsupa
  • Nattarat Nopparattayaporn
  • Sompob Benjathikul
  • Jaonaay Jinjett Wattanasin
  • Yasaka Chaisorn
  • Dujdao Vadhanapakorn
  • Chertsak Pratumsrisakhon
  • Porntip Kitdamrongchai
  • Chindarat Kasuya

Delete Plot

The plot of Delete web series delves into the intricate complexities of human nature, exploring the darker aspects that emerge within complicated relationships. This thought-provoking story raises a compelling question: If given the ability to make someone disappear, would we choose to do so? Through its exploration of this intriguing premise, Delete examines the depths of human desires, moral dilemmas, and the consequences that unfold when confronted with such power. Prepare to delve into a world where the boundaries of morality and personal relationships blur, as Delete invites viewers to contemplate the profound implications of this tantalizing possibility.

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Delete Teaser

The official teaser of Delete was released by Netflix on their official YouTube channel.

Delete Trailer

The official trailer of Delete was released by Netflix on their official YouTube channel.

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Delete FAQs

Q. What is the release date of Netflix’s Delete web series?

A. Delete will be released on Netflix OTT platform on 28 June 2023.

Q. Who are the writers of Netflix’s Delete web series?

A. Netflix’s web series Delete is written by Claire Jirassaya Wongsutin and Meen Tossaphon Riantong.

Q. Who is the director of Netflix’s Delete web series?

A. Netflix’s web series Delete is directed by Parkpoom Wongpoom.

Q. Who is the producer of Netflix’s Delete web series?

A. Netflix’s web series Delete is produced by Parkpoom Wongpoom.


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