COVID-19 Patients Can Likely Suffer From Mental Illness


New research suggests that people who have been taken down by the COVID-19 virus are on thin ice and could experience mental illness during their treatment. These symptoms codes are experienced by them even after they are being cured of the virus.

The research, published in “The Lancet Psychiatry Journal”, studied results from short- and long-term reports of people hospitalized by Coronavirus that cause COVID-19, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).

mental health issues


The Statistical Analysis Took Everyone’s Mind Away

As one should know, the study was done on 3,500 different individuals of varying age groups. Every individual had been a patient of any of the three virus transmission. Also, it is to be noted that every patient under the research has been hospitalized, excluding those who had mild symptoms.

It is also to be noted that almost one in three SARS or MERS patient suffered from the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). And the follow-up time for the condition could be as long as three years. Though they had been put out of medication for the virus, they had symptoms of depression and anxiety.

The research from the University College London, UK also found that one in four people hospitalized with COVID-19 may experience Delirium during their illness. This accounts for almost 28% of the total population hospitalized for SARS or MERS pandemic.

Delirium is a mental health condition in which a person feels confused or misplaced in their surroundings. They feel to be lost and suffering and less motivated in their normal routine chores. And finally, this creates a sense of being a burden on everyone around us.

Also, this condition can create many depression rates which could rise to 15% one year or longer after the illness. And this is followed by some other unwanted symptoms such as chronic fatigue, mood swings, sleep disorder, and impaired concentration and memory.

Researchers Have Found A Solution 

Researchers shred some light over the fact that the condition of Delirium could have been triggered by the ongoing news of the increasing mortality rates. They found that worrying about the mental illness was directly fueling the patient with such symptoms.

The report also suggests that if a patient is unable to track the growth of the pandemic their surroundings, chances are more than they could focus on their benefits first. This is to be done by helping them in self-isolation and getting support from their loved ones.

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On a final note, the study also brought the fact that health workers who are engaged in such cases had worse long-term mental illness outcomes. They are also advised to keep themselves talked through this so that chances are more than they could dodge the bullet.


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