White Rose is an upcoming Tamil psychological thriller movie written and directed by K. Rajashekar. This movie produced under the banner of Poombarai Murugan Productions, stars Anandhi and R.K. Suresh in the lead roles, along with Rooso Sridharan, Vijjith, Baby Nakshathra, Dharani Reddy, Suliyan Bharani, Varshini, Hasin, Rajasimman and many others in the supporting roles. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about White Rose movie release date, cast, crew, plot and more.
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White Rose Movie Release Date
The much awaited Tamil psychological thriller movie White Rose, starring Anandhi and R.K. Suresh is all set to release in cinema halls on April 5, 2024.
White Rose Movie Cast
- Anandhi as Divya
- R.K. Suresh as Dilip
- Ramanathan as Ravi
- Sasilaya as Inspector Rekha
- Rajasimman as Raj
- Rittika Chakraborty as Swathi
- Hashin F as Anjali
- Rooso Sreedharan as ACP Vetrimaran
- Varshini as Kavita
- Vijith as Asraf
- Dharani Reddy as Kavy
- Suliyan Bharani as Young Dilip
- Baby Nakshatra as Diya
White Rose Movie Crew
K. Rajashekar is the writer and director of the upcoming Tamil psychological thriller movie, which is produced under the banner of Poombarai Murugan Productions. Ranjani, S. Rooso and R.K. Suresh serves as the producers for this movie. Johan Shevanesh serves as the music director. Navin Kumar holds the position of cinematographer, while Gopi Krishna is the editor of this movie.
White Rose Movie Plot
The plot of White Rose movie revolves around a true event of a case that occurred in the morgue of a government hospital.
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White Rose Movie FAQs
1- What is the release date of White Rose movie?
White Rose movie will be released on 5th April 2024 in the cinema halls.
2- Who is the director of White Rose movie?
White Rose movie is directed by K. Rajashekar.
3- Who is the writer of White Rose movie?
White Rose movie is written by K. Rajashekar.
4- Who are the producers of White Rose movie?
White Rose movie is produced by Ranjani, S. Rooso and R.K. Suresh.