What is Keto diet and should you go for it or not?


Keto diet might sound quite interesting and but as they always say that don’t judge the book by its cover, you should not dive deep into being a Keto enthusiast right away.

Ketogenic DIet is one of the most talked about things in the health and fitness industry. After Tanmay Bhat, from AIB lost quite a significant weight with the help of keto diet and shared his success story over the internet, People are going crazy over keto fad.


Ketogenesis is a very hard process and you might be willing to go through it but most probably you would break off the routine and go on gulping down parathas and lassi, all again in no time.

But still, if you’re interested in the idea of getting fit, lean and mentally healthy with a high metabolism rate and is also willing to go lengths it requires, Keto is the answer for you.


What is Keto Diet?


Keto Diet is a meal plan consisting of each meal having a high Fat, Medium Protein and low carbohydrate ratio.

That may sound kind of summarised and but that is all there is to the keto diet and it is nothing more than a diet methodology to strike up the process of ketosis, enhancing the metabolism eventually.


Who should go for Keto Diet regime?


Well, most people who are overweight or have a Diabetic problem follow the Keto Diet. But if you are a fitness enthusiast and want to try out how it feels to having metabolism at extreme, you better go for it.


How to sustain the hardest first week of hell?


The first week is the toughest to deal with and it can crank you up a little bit. The irritability and never-ending hunger may force you to quit midway, but once started you know you have to keep up no matter what.

So, there are three tips that should help you get through the first week of hell:

  1. Add a  boatload of salt as it helps you gets relaxed during the early days of irritability and stress from the change in diet.
  2. Drink up a lot of water as during the initial days, your body tends to lose water content and being hydrated at this time helps you much.
  3. Start gradually and eat bigger portions while the first week of hell goes on. Then, afterward, you’re adapted to the food and taking low carbs, shift to smaller portions for increased metabolism.


What to eat during a Keto Diet?


Starting off with the most common of them all, be sure to gobble upon

Meat products but in low quantities. You need high-fat content and not Protein rich diet, remember that.

Now moving on you could also add vegetables such as cabbage, Zucchini or any other that is grown above the ground level. Prefer the green and leafy ones over others. Eggs can also be beneficial, fry them or make a scrambled egg, that’s totally upon you and your tastebuds.


Who should not be on a keto regime?


If you have really been paying attention then this one might already be known to you. Basically, you have to avoid eatables or beverages with high carb content.

Anything that is sugary such as cold drinks, beers or candies are to be avoided. Along with avoiding sweets, one had to stay away from starch too. So, be ready to throw out that packet of bread, pasta, and frozen french fries, as you won’t be getting a taste of the same.


What happens when you break the Keto cycle after a successful run?


Planning on going back to the normal diet plan after successfully completing a month or two of ketogenesis. Well, don’t be that rash and jump directly onto the Parathas topped with loads of butter and served along with sweet Lassi, as your body is not ready to take all that in just yet.

The body adapts and behaves according to its environment, pushing the limits and being hasty is not going to do any better. Instead, take it slow otherwise you could get fat again, and believe it or not that happens more often than people think.

Tips on how to get back on a normal Diet:

  1. Start with small portions of diet and then move on to the normal sized meals gradually.
  2. Minimize the intake of carbs at first as your body is not used to digesting carbs anymore.
  3. Totally avoid packaged foods as the body needs to be acquainted with natural carbs first and then you can let it expose to the materialized ones later.



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