The Hijacking of Flight 601 is an upcoming drama thriller series that will be soon streaming on Netflix. The series is written by Pablo Gonzalez and C.S. Prince. Starring Mónica Lopera, Ángela Cano and Christian Tappan, this series is scheduled to release on 5th April, 2024.
The series directed by David Pombo, Pablo Gonzalez and C.S. Prince, is produced by Miracol Media. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about The Hijacking of Flight 601 Netflix Series release date, cast, crew, storyline and more.
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The Hijacking of Flight 601 Netflix Series Release Date
Netflix has announced the release date of their highly-anticipated drama thriller series The Hijacking of Flight 601. The series will be available to binge-watch from 10th April 2024.
The Hijacking of Flight 601 Netflix Series Cast
- Monica Lopera
- Valentín Villafañe
- Alián Devetac
- Christian Tappan
- Angela Cano
- Enrique Carriazo
- Marcela Benjumea
- Johan Rivera
- Ilenia Antonini
- Carlos Manuel Vesga
The Hijacking of Flight 601 Netflix Series Crew
The crew of The Hijacking of Flight 601 Netflix Series includes Manuel Botia, Patricio Rabuffetti , Oscar Botia, Pedro Davila, Natalia Echeverri, Pablo Gonzalez and C.S. Prince as the producers. The series is directed by David Pombo, Pablo Gonzalez and C.S. Prince. Stefan Will is responsible for the music. The series is produced under the banner of Miracol Media and is distributed by Netflix. Pablo Gonzalez and C.S. Prince also serves as the writers of this series.
The Hijacking of Flight 601 Netflix Series Story
The story of Netflix Series The Hijacking of Flight 601 reads, “Two armed and hooded individuals hijack and threaten to blow up Flight 601 unless the Colombian government releases 50 political prisoners and pays them a hefty ransom in cash.”
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The Hijacking of Flight 601 Netflix Series FAQs
1- What is the release date of Netflix Series The Hijacking of Flight 601?
Netflix Series The Hijacking of Flight 601 will be released on 10th April 2024 exclusively only on Netflix.
2- Who are the directors of Netflix Series The Hijacking of Flight 601?
Netflix Series The Hijacking of Flight 601 is directed by David Pombo, Pablo Gonzalez and C.S. Prince.
3- Who are the writers Netflix Series The Hijacking of Flight 601?
Netflix Series The Hijacking of Flight 601 is written by Pablo Gonzalez and C.S. Prince.
4- Who are the producers of Netflix Series The Hijacking of Flight 601?
Netflix Series The Hijacking of Flight 601 is produced by Manuel Botia, Patricio Rabuffetti , Oscar Botia, Pedro Davila, Natalia Echeverri, Pablo Gonzalez and C.S. Prince.