Ranneeti: Balakot and Beyond is an upcoming thriller web series on JioCinema. The show is inspired by true events and has an ensemble cast which includes Lara Dutta and Jimmy Shergill. Recently, a teaser of the web series was released to announce the show. Here we have covered everything you need to know about the Ranneeti series in detail.
Ranneeti Series Release Date on JioCinema
Ranneeti series is expected to be released in August 2023 on JioCinema. The teaser of the show was released on 13th August 2023 on YouTube.
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Ranneeti Series Cast
Lara Dutta, Jimmy Shergil, Ashish Vidyarthi, Prasanna Venkatesan, Ashutosh Rana and Elnaaz Norouzi star in the web series.
Ranneeti Web Series Plot
Ranneeti: Balakot and Beyond is a web series that centers around the theme of military intelligence and its role in supporting soldiers on the frontline during battles. The show is directed by Santosh Singh and features a writing team composed of Aniruddha Guha, Ramiz Ilham Khan, Sanjay Chopra, Sudeep Nigam, and Maitrey Bajpai.
The series likely delves into the strategies, operations, and decision-making processes that intelligence units employ to aid soldiers in combat situations. It might also explore real-life incidents, such as the Balakot airstrike, where intelligence played a significant role. Overall, the series appears to provide insight into the crucial relationship between intelligence and military actions.
Ranneeti Series Teaser
Ranneeti Series FAQs
1- What is the release date of Ranneeti Series on JioCinema?
Ranneeti is expected to be released in August 2023 on JioCinema.
2- Who stars in the Ranneeti web series?
Jimmy Shergill and Lara Dutta star in Ranneeti Series.