Raid is an upcoming Tamil action drama movie directed by S.P. Karthi. This movie written by M. Muthaiah, features Vikram Prabhu and Sri Divya in the lead roles, along with Ananthika, Rishi Rithvik, Soundararaja, and many others in the supporting roles. This is a remake of the superhit Kannada movie Tagaru (2018) which is written and directed by Duniya Soori. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Raid movie release date, cast, crew, storyline and more.
Raid Movie Release Date
The much awaited Tamil action drama movie Raid, starring Vikram Prabhu and Sri Divya is all set to release in cinema halls on November 10, 2023.
Raid Movie Cast
- Vikram Prabhu
- Sri Divya
- Ananthika
- Rishi Rithvik
- Soundararaja
Raid Movie Crew
S.P. Karthi is the director of the upcoming Tamil action drama movie, which is produced by S.K. Kanishk under the banner of GK Pictures, M Studios and Open Screen Pictures. Sam C. S. serves as the Music Director. Kathiravan holds the position of Director of Photography. Manimaran is the Editor of this movie. The movie is written by M. Muthaiah.
Raid Movie Storyline
The storyline of Raid movie a police officer who is transferred to a new town, where he must deal with a powerful gang led by a ruthless gangster. The officer is determined to put an end to the gangster’s reign of terror and restore peace to the town.
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Raid Movie FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Raid movie?
A. Raid movie will be released on 10th November 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Raid movie?
A. Raid movie is directed by S.P. Karthi.
Q. Who is the writer of Raid movie?
A. Raid movie is written by M. Muthaiah.
Q. Who is the producer of Raid movie?
A. Raid movie is produced by S.K. Kanishk.