Parking is an upcoming Tamil thriller drama movie written and directed by Ramkumar Balakrishnan. This movie features Harish Kalyan and Indhuja in the lead roles, along with MS Bhaskar, Rama Rajendra, Prarthana Nathan, Ilavarasu, and many others in the supporting roles. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Parking movie release date, star cast, crew, storyline and more.
Parking Movie Release Date
The much awaited Tamil thriller drama movie Parking, starring Harish Kalyan and Indhuja is all set to release in cinema halls on December 1, 2023.
Parking Movie Star Cast
- M.S. Bhaskar
- Ilavarasu
- Harish Kalyan
- Prathana Nathan
- Rama Rajendra
- Indhuja Ravichandran
Parking Movie Crew
Ramkumar Balakrishnan is the writer and director of the upcoming Tamil thriller drama movie, which is produced by K.S. Sinish and Sudhan Sundaram under the banner of Passion Studios and Soldier’s Factory. Sam CS serves as the Music Director. Jiju Sunny holds the position of Director of Photography. Philomin Raj is the Editor of this movie.
Parking Movie Storyline
The storyline of Parking movie follows a newly wedded couple who bought their first car with their savings. But the problems get them when their neighbor also bought a new car. They both fight for the same parking spot; this problem eventually escalates and causes huge trouble.
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Parking Movie FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Parking movie?
A. Parking movie will be released on 1st December 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Parking movie?
A. Parking movie is directed by Ramkumar Balakrishnan.
Q. Who is the writer of Parking movie?
A. Parking movie is written by Ramkumar Balakrishnan.
Q. Who are the producers of Parking movie?
A. Parking movie is produced by K.S. Sinish and Sudhan Sundaram.