Monkey Man is an upcoming action thriller movie written and directed by Dev Patel. This movie features Dev Patel, Sharlto Copley, Pitobash, Sobhita Dhulipala, Sikandar Kher, Vipin Sharma, Ashwini Kalsekar, Adithi Kalkunte, and Makarand Deshpande. The movie is produced under the banner of Bron Studios, Thunder Road Films, Monkeypaw Productions, Creative Wealth Media and Universal Pictures. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Monkey Man release date, cast, crew, story and more.
Monkey Man Movie Release Date
Dev Patel, Sharlto Copley and Sobhita Dhulipala’s upcoming action thriller movie, Monkey Man is all set to release worldwide on April 5, 2024.
Monkey Man Movie Cast
- Dev Patel
- Sharlto Copley
- Pitobash
- Sobhita Dhulipala
- Vipin Sharma
- Sikandar Kher
- Brahim Chab
- Adithi Kalkunte
- Joseph J.U. Taylor
- Nagesh Bhonsle
- Jino A. Samuel
- Dayangku Zyana
- Reva Marchellin
- Andres Levi
- Jeremy Tauziac
- Pehan Abdul
- Alona Vykydanets
- Anup J. Patel
Monkey Man Movie Crew
The crew of Monkey Man movie includes Dev Patel as the director. The movie is produced by Dev Patel, Jomon Thomas, Jordan Peele, Win Rosenfeld, Ian Cooper, Basil Iwanyk, Erica Lee, Christine Haebler and Anjay Nagpal. The production company involved in the movie are Bron Studios, Thunder Road Films, Monkeypaw Productions, Creative Wealth Media and Universal Pictures. Sharone Meir is responsible for the cinematography, while Dávid Jancsó and Tim Murrell are the editors of the movie. Dev Patel also serves as the co-writer for this movie along with Paul Angunawela and John Collee.
Monkey Man Movie Story
The story of Monkey Man movie revolves around an anonymous young man unleashes a campaign of vengeance against the corrupt leaders who murdered his mother and continue to systemically victimize the poor and powerless.
Also Read: Road House Release Date on Prime Video, Cast, Crew, Story and More
Monkey Man Movie FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Monkey Man movie?
A. Monkey Man movie will be released on 5th April 2024 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Monkey Man movie?
A. One More Shot movie is directed by Dev Patel.
Q. Who are the producers of Monkey Man movie?
A. Monkey Man movie is produced by Dev Patel, Jomon Thomas, Jordan Peele, Win Rosenfeld, Ian Cooper, Basil Iwanyk, Erica Lee, Christine Haebler and Anjay Nagpal.
Q. Who are the writers of Monkey Man movie?
A. Monkey Man movie is written by Dev Patel, Paul Angunawela and John Collee.