Directed by Hansal Mehta, Lootere is a gripping action-drama web series based on the real-life events of an Indian ship hijacking in Somalian waters in 2017. With Jai Mehta at the helm, the film delves into the intense and perilous journey faced by the crew amidst the chaos of piracy on the high seas.
The screenplay, crafted by Suparn Varma, Vishal Kapoor, Vaibhav Vishal, and Jay Mehta, promises to bring forth the harrowing experiences and the resilience of those involved. Produced by Shailesh R. Singh under Karma Media And Entertainment, Lootere offers a thrilling narrative that explores the human spirit’s fight against adversity in the face of danger.
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Lootere Release Date on Hotstar
Lootere will release on Hotstar on March 22, 2024. The release date of the Lootere web series was confirmed through a teaser that was released on YouTube a few days ago.
Lootere Web Series Cast
Vivek Gomber, Deepak Tijori, Rajat Kapoor, Chandan Roy Sanyal and Amruta Khanvilkar will star in the web series Lootere.
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Lootere Hotstar Series Plot
Lootere follows the harrowing tale of an Indian ship hijacked in Somalian waters in 2017. As the crew faces the terror of piracy, they must navigate treacherous waters to survive. Directed by Hansal Mehta and written by a team including Suparn Varma and Vishal Kapoor, the film promises an intense portrayal of courage and resilience amidst the perils of the high seas.