Ghostlight is an upcoming comedy drama movie directed by Kelly O’Sullivan and Alex Thompson. Starring Keith Kupferer, Dolly de Leon, Katherine May Kupferer, Tara Mallen, Hana Dworkin, Tommy Rivera-Vega, Alma Washington, H.B. Ward, Dexter Zollicoffer, Deanna Dunagan and Francis Guinan, this movie is produced under the banner of Little Engine and Runaway Train. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Ghostlight movie release date, cast, crew, story and more.
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Ghostlight Movie Release Date
Keith Kupferer and Katherine May Kupferer’s upcoming comedy drama movie, Ghostlight is all set to release worldwide on June 14, 2024. The movie is scheduled to be released by IFC Films and Sapan Studio.
Ghostlight Movie Cast
- Keith Kupferer as Dan
- Katherine Mallen Kupferer as Daisy
- Tara Mallen as Sharon
- Dolly De Leon as Rita
- Hanna Dworkin as Lanora
- Dexter Zollicoffer as Greg
- H.B. Ward as Jonah
- Tommy Rivera-Vega as Lucian
- Alma Washington as Moira
- Matthew C. Yee as Mikey
- Marlene Slaughter as Charlie
- Bradley Grant Smith as Jim
- Lia Cubilete as Christine
- Cindy Gold as Therapist
- Charlie Lubeck as Tyler
- Francis Guinan as Janitor Fran
- Sarab Kamoo as Joan Spencer
- Charin Alvarez as Principal Santos
Ghostlight Movie Crew
The crew of Ghostlight movie includes Kelly O’Sullivan and Alex Thompson as the directors. The movie is produced by Ian Keiser, Alex Thompson, Pierce Cravens, Eddie Linker and Chelsea Krant. The production companies involved in the movie are Little Engine and Runaway Train, while the movie is distributed by IFC Films and Sapan Studio. Luke Dyra is responsible for cinematography, while Mike S. Smith has handled the editing and Quinn Tsan has given the music for the movie. Kelly O’Sullivan also serves as the writer for this movie.
Ghostlight Movie Story
The story of Ghostlight movie revolves around a construction worker who is pulled into a local production of Romeo and Juliet, only to find community and a way to work through his own family troubles.
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Ghostlight Movie FAQs
1- What is the release date of Ghostlight movie?
Ghostlight movie will be released on 14th June 2024 in the cinema halls.
2- Who are the directors of Ghostlight movie?
Ghostlight movie is directed by Kelly O’Sullivan and Alex Thompson.
3- Who are the producers of Ghostlight movie?
Ghostlight movie is produced by Ian Keiser, Alex Thompson, Pierce Cravens, Eddie Linker and Chelsea Krant.
4- Who is the writer of Ghostlight movie?
Ghostlight movie is written by Kelly O’Sullivan.