Barbie is an upcoming comedy movie film directed by Greta Gerwig and starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling in the lead. The film is officially scheduled to release in the theatres on 21st July 2023. It is the first live-action Barbie film based on the Barbie fashion dolls by Mattel. The movie will bring a new life to the Barbie franchise, which was limited to animated feature films and television till now. Here we have covered the budget and box office collection of Barbie.
Barbie Movie Budget
Barbie is reportedly made on a massive budget of US $100 million. The film is produced by David Heyman, Margot Robbie, Tom Ackerley and Robbie Brenner under the banner of Heyday Films, LuckyChap Entertainment and Mattel Films. The film is going to be distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures in the United States and other regions of the world.
Barbie Box Office Collection Prediction
Barbie is expected to earn around US $250 million at the box office. Barbie is a huge franchise with a great cult following, and the film is sure to get a good response at the box office at the first weekend in the USA. However, after the first weekend, it will need good reviews and positive word of mouth to get huge success at the box office.