Are bananas safe for diabetic people or does it affects blood sugar level?


It’s critical to maintain your blood sugar concentrations as constant as possible if you have diabetes. Better blood sugar control can help avoid or slow the development of some of the most serious medical issues associated with diabetes. As a result, it’s critical to avoid or limit items that trigger blood sugar rises. Despite being a healthful fruit, bananas are strong in refined carbohydrates, which are the key components that cause blood sugar levels to rise.


Knowing the number and kind of carbs in your diet is critical if you have diabetes.  This is because carbohydrates elevate your blood sugar level more than other foods, which means they might have a significant impact on your blood sugar regulation.

When blood sugar levels in persons who do not have diabetes rise, their bodies create insulin. This aids in the movement of sugar from the bloodstream into cells, where it is consumed or stored.

However, in diabetics, this procedure does not work as well as it should. Instead, the body either does not create enough insulin or the cells become resistant to the insulin that is produced.

How does Banana impact your blood sugar levels?

Bananas are abundant in carbohydrates. Carbohydrate-rich foods are recognized to cause a quick rise in blood sugar levels. A normal banana has 14gm of glucose and 6gm of starch. Bananas, on the other hand, are high in fiber. Bananas have a low GI rating, making them an excellent option for diabetics.

A medium-sized banana contains 3 grams of fiber in addition to carbs and sugar. Everyone, including diabetics, should attempt to consume enough dietary fiber because it may have health benefits. Fiber, on the other hand, is especially beneficial for diabetics since it can aid delay glucose digestion and absorption.

This can help to minimize blood sugar spikes and improve overall blood sugar control. The glycemic index of a carbohydrate-containing food is one technique to predict how it may affect blood sugar levels (GI). The GI of foods is determined by how much and how rapidly they boost blood glucose levels.

Low GI diets are regarded to be especially beneficial for patients with type 2 diabetes. This is because low GI foods are digested more slowly, resulting in a gradual increase in blood glucose levels rather than a huge surge. Overall, bananas have a low to moderate GI (42–62, based on ripeness).

Banana for diabetic

Unripe Bananas contains resistant starch:

The amount of this type of carbohydrate in a banana varies according to its maturity. Green, or unripe, bananas have less glucose and more tough starch than ripe bananas. Long chains of sugar (starch) that are “resistant” to processing in the upper section of your digestive tract are known as resistant starches.

This implies they work similarly to fiber and do not raise blood glucose. They may also aid in the feeding of good bacteria in your gut, which has been related to enhanced metabolic health and blood sugar control.

Final Verdict:

Yellow, or ripe, bananas have fewer complex carbohydrates than green bananas and more sugar, which is taken faster than starch. This means that fully ripe bananas have a greater GI and will raise your blood sugar faster than greenish, unripe bananas. Green (unripe) bananas contain complex carbohydrates, which do not elevate blood glucose levels and may help with long-term blood sugar control. Because yellow (ripe) bananas contain higher sugar, they may produce a greater spike in blood sugar levels. So if you are a diabetic person, consider consuming less riped bananas to maintain blood sugar levels in the body.

Read More: 7 Fruits and Vegetables to Improve Bone Strength 


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