Aachar & Co is an upcoming Kannada comedy drama movie directed by Sindhu Sreenivasa Murthy and co-written by Kanan Gill. The movie features Sindhu Sreenivasa Murthy, Jagadishwar Sukumar and Vamsidhar Bhogaraju in the lead roles, while Harshal Kaushik, Anirudh Acharya, Sudha Belawadi and Ashok in the supporting roles. The movie is produced by Ashwini Puneeth Rajkumar under the banner of PRK Productions. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Aachar & Co release date, cast, plot, teaser, trailer and more.
Aachar & Co Release Date
The much awaited Kannada comedy drama movie Aachar & Co, starring Sindhu Sreenivasa Murthy, Jagadishwar Sukumar and Vamsidhar Bhogaraju is all set to release in cinema halls on July 28, 2023.
Aachar & Co Cast
- Sindhu Sreenivasa Murthy
- Jagadishwar Sukumar
- Vamsidhar Bhogaraju
- Sudha Belawadi
- Anirudh Acharya
- Harshil Koushik
- Ashok
Aachar & Co Plot
The plot of Aachar & Co movie is set against the backdrop of 1960s Bangalore, follows the journey of a traditional family as they navigate the challenges of embracing modernity while honouring their roots.
Aachar & Co Teaser
The official teaser of Aachar & Co movie was released by PRK Audio on their official YouTube channel.
Aachar & Co Trailer
The official trailer of Aachar & Co movie was released by PRK Audio on their official YouTube channel.
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Aachar & Co FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Aachar & Co movie?
A. Aachar & Co movie will be released on 28th July 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Aachar & Co movie?
A. Aachar & Co movie is directed by Sindhu Sreenivasa Murthy.
Q. Who is the producer of Aachar & Co movie?
A. Aachar & Co movie is produced by Ashwini Puneeth Rajkumar.
Q. Who are the writers of Aachar & Co movie?
A. Aachar & Co movie is written by Sindhu Sreenivasa Murthy and Kanan Gill.