Passport is one of the most significant govt IDs that one can obtain in India. Nowadays, the process has gone completely online and it has become relatively easier to get a passport. However, back in the days, acquiring a passport was like acquiring gold dust as it involved a lot of processes that took months. Therefore, losing a passport is almost considered a sin. But the technology has made the things easier with the time and now you can get a new passport even if you have lost your old one by following a few steps that we have explained below in the article.

First Step to Take after Losing Your Passport
Once you have realised that you have lost your passport then you should immediately visit the nearest Police Station to report the theft. In case you are abroad then you should visit the nearest passport office or Indian Mission to report the theft immediately. This is a must needed measure if you want to reapply for passport.
How to Get a New Passport after Losing the Old One?
Once you have reported your old passport as missing then you need to visit the official website of Passport Seva Services of India and apply for re-issue.
Do i Need the Photocopy of Lost Passport?
When applying for a lost/damaged/stolen passport, submitting a photocopy of the old passport is not mandatory. However, if available, it should be provided. Instead, you must furnish details of the previous passport, including passport number, date of issue, date of expiry, and place of issue, while completing the passport application form. If you lack this information, you should reach out to the respective Indian mission/post in that country for assistance.
What are the Documents Required for Re-Issue of the Passport?
Documents required for the re-issue of the passport are same as the fresh issue of the passport. You need a govt ID and another govt ID with permanent address. All your documents could be processed digitally but when you have to visit the Passport Office after appointment then you need to show your original documents and the photocopies of the documents with self-attestation. You will also need a few passport sized photos.
Will the New Passport Have the Same Number?
No, the Indian government does not issue duplicate passports in any case. Therefore, the new passport which you will get after the re-issue will have a completely different number from your old passport that got lost or stolen.
What to do If I Lost My Passport and Need to Travel Urgently?
If you have lost your passport and need to travel urgently then you have to visit your nearest passport office to get the solution. For those who are living abroad, you need to visit the nearest Indian Mission. Generally, an Emergency Certificate is issued after the verification of Indian nationality and particulars.