The Rope Curse 3 Netflix Movie Review: Eerie Taiwanese Horror Film


“The Rope Curse 3” immerses audiences in a cinematic experience that seamlessly blends the worlds of parkour athleticism and supernatural mystery. Chang Ting-hu’s portrayal of the aspiring parkour influencer is both convincing and charismatic, providing a relatable anchor for viewers. The film’s choice of an eerie hotel setting enhances the atmospheric tension, creating an environment where each parkour move is met with an unsettling twist of supernatural events.

What sets this Taiwanese film apart is its ability to weave together two seemingly disparate genres—action and horror. The parkour sequences, executed skillfully by the gifted cast, inject a dynamic energy into the narrative. Meanwhile, the spooky events at the hotel unfold with an air of suspense, keeping the audience guessing and heightening the overall thrill.


Lee Hsing-wen and Wu Yi-jung contribute to the film’s success with commendable performances, enhancing the ensemble cast’s chemistry. The synergy between the actors ensures a cohesive storytelling experience.

The cinematography captures the fluidity of parkour movements and effectively builds the eerie atmosphere within the hotel’s confines. The visual elements, combined with a well-paced plot, contribute to the film’s overall impact.

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“The Rope Curse 3” not only entertains with its action-packed sequences but also succeeds in delivering genuine scares and a sense of the uncanny. This cinematic blend of athleticism and supernatural intrigue establishes the film as a noteworthy addition to Taiwanese horror, showcasing the industry’s ability to innovate and captivate audiences with fresh, compelling narratives.


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