The upcoming Garfield Movie, an American animated comedy, is based on Jim Davis’ comic strip. Produced by Columbia Pictures and Alcon Entertainment, animated by DNEG Animation, and distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. Directed by Mark Dindal, it features Chris Pratt as the voice of Garfield, with a cast including Samuel L. Jackson, Hannah Waddingham, Ving Rhames, Nicholas Hoult, Cecily Strong, Harvey Guillén, Brett Goldstein, and Bowen Yang. Here we have covered everything you need to know about the budget and box office collection of The Garfield Movie.
The Garfield Movie Budget
The Garfield Movie is estimated to be made on a budget of around US $60 million. Development for the new animated Garfield film commenced in May 2016, with attached producers and writers. Mark Dindal was named the director in November 2018, and production started the following month.
Despite Viacom acquiring Garfield’s rights in August 2019, the project continued production, as stated by Dindal in December 2020. In November 2021, Sony acquired distribution rights (excluding China), and Chris Pratt was cast as Garfield, with animation provided by DNEG. The remaining cast members were announced in 2022, and the official title was revealed in September 2023.
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The Garfield Movie Box Office Collection Prediction
The Garfield Movie is expected to earn around US $150 million at the box office. The film is set for a theatrical release on May 24, 2024 in the USA. In this upcoming animated adventure, Garfield (voiced by Chris Pratt), the renowned indoor cat with a disdain for Mondays and a love for lasagna, is set for an unexpected outdoor escapade. A chance reunion with his long-lost father, the street-savvy cat Vic (voiced by Samuel L. Jackson), propels Garfield and his canine companion Odie into a comical and high-stakes heist, disrupting their perfectly pampered lives.