Scrambled is an upcoming comedy drama movie written and directed by Leah McKendrick. This movie features Leah McKendrick, Ego Nwodim, Andrew Santino, Adam Rodriguez, Laura Cerón and Clancy Brown in the lead roles. The movie is produced under the banner of BondIt Media Capital, Buffalo 8 Productions and Megamix. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Scrambled release date, star cast, crew, storyline and more.
Scrambled Movie Release Date
Leah McKendrick’s upcoming comedy drama movie, Scrambled is all set to release worldwide on February 2, 2024.
Scrambled Movie Star Cast
- Clancy Brown as Richard
- Yvonne Strahovski as Sara
- June Diane Raphael
- June Diane Raphael as Monroe
- Lindsey Morgan as Ember
- Andrew Santino as Jesse Robinson
- Michael Welch as Ryan
- Adam Rodriguez as Sterling Morales
- Henry Zebrowski as Conor
- Mimi Kennedy as Zandra
- Khrystyne Haje as Ron’s Mom
- Brett Dier as Kyle the nice guy
- Ego Nwodim as Sheila
- Leah McKendrick as Nellie Robinson
- Laura Cerón as Mom
- Emily Chang as Michell
- Mike Manning as Michael
- Sterling Sulieman as Preston
- Max Adler as Ron
Scrambled Movie Crew
The crew of Scrambled movie includes Leah McKendrick as the director and writer. The movie is produced by Gillian Bohrer, Jonathan Levine, Brett Haley and Amanda Mortimer. The production company involved in the movie is BondIt Media Capital, Buffalo 8 Productions and Megamix. Julia Swain is responsible for the cinematography, while the editing is handled by Sandra Torres Granovsky.
Scrambled Movie Storyline
The storyline of Scrambled movie follows Nellie Robinson, a broke, single 34-year-old who after a breakup decides to freeze her eggs.
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Scrambled Movie FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Scrambled movie?
A. Scrambled movie will be released on 2nd February 2024 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Scrambled movie?
A. Scrambled movie is directed by Leah McKendrick.
Q. Who are the producers of Scrambled movie?
A. Scrambled movie is produced by Gillian Bohrer, Jonathan Levine, Brett Haley and Amanda Mortimer.
Q. Who is the writer of Scrambled movie?
A. Scrambled movie is written by Leah McKendrick.