Most people in India start their morning with tea. There are many tea lovers in India. The condition of some people is such that if they do not drink tea during the day, they start having headaches. In India, tea is not just tea but an addiction, without which people cannot live. But it is very important for you to know when you should drink tea and when you should not. Because drinking tea at the wrong time causes a lot of harm to health, the consequences of which you have to bear with time. Because the effect of some things is seen later. Therefore, if possible, take care of your health and take tea only as much as is necessary.

Disadvantages of drinking tea
The habit of drinking tea after eating food has a bad effect on your digestive power. Drinking tea causes difficulty in digesting food. Due to which the person has gas problem. Actually, drinking milk tea immediately after eating affects the digestive acid formed in the body. Due to which food takes more time to digest.
Blood Pressure– Those who have BP problem should stay away from tea, because the amount of caffeine present in tea increases the blood pressure of a person and can cause many health related problems. If you want to drink tea, you can consume lemon tea.
Iron Deficiency– Drinking tea after eating does not provide the necessary nutrients to the body. Due to which there is a deficiency of iron in the body and the risk of anemia increases for the person.
Sleep Problems – Drinking too much tea also causes sleep related problems. If you drink tea immediately after eating food, then you may have problems like gas, indigestion, acidity. Due to which the person’s sleep is affected and he may have to face the problem of insomnia.
Also Read: Drinking Too Much Coffee? 5 Side Effects of Caffeine You Should Not Ignore
How much caffeine is safe to take in a day?
According to ICMR, it is advisable to consume only 300 mg of caffeine daily. Doctors often advise that one should not drink tea or coffee for at least one hour before and after eating food. Tannin is present in tea, which can reduce the absorption of iron in the body. Tannin binds to iron in the stomach, making it difficult for the body to absorb iron properly. Which can increase the risk of anemia for a person.