Prasanna Vadanam is an upcoming Telugu drama thriller movie written and directed by Arjun Y K. This movie produced under the banner of Little Thoughts Cinemas, features Suhas, Rashi Singh and Payal Radhakrishna in the lead roles, along with Nithin Prasanna, Kushalini Pulapa, Viva Harsha and many others in the supporting roles. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Prasanna Vadanam movie release date, cast, crew, plot and more.
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Prasanna Vadanam Movie Release Date
The much awaited Telugu drama thriller movie Prasanna Vadanam, starring Suhas, Rashi Singh and Payal Radhakrishna is all set to release in cinema halls on May 3, 2024.
Prasanna Vadanam Movie Cast
- Suhas
- Rashi Singh
- Payal Radhakrishna
- Nithin Prasanna
- Kushalini Pulapa
- Sai Swetha
- Rashi Singh Nandu
- Viva Harsha
Prasanna Vadanam Movie Crew
Arjun Y K is the writer and director of the upcoming Telugu drama thriller movie, which is produced under the banner of Little Thoughts Cinemas. Manikanta J S and Reddy Prasad T R serves as the producers for this movie. Vijay Bulganin serves as the music director. S. Chandrasekaran holds the position of cinematographer, while Karthika Srinivas is the editor of this movie.
Prasanna Vadanam Movie Plot
The plot of Prasanna Vadanam movie revolves around Surya, a radio jockey suffering from face blindness, finds himself thrust into a deadly game of survival when he witnesses a murder. He must uncover the truth before he becomes the next victim.
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Prasanna Vadanam Movie FAQs
1- What is the release date of Prasanna Vadanam movie?
Prasanna Vadanam movie will be released on 3rd May 2024 in the cinema halls.
2- Who is the director of Prasanna Vadanam of movie?
Prasanna Vadanam movie is directed by Arjun Y K.
3- Who is the writer of Prasanna Vadanam movie?
Prasanna Vadanam movie is written by Arjun Y K.
4- Who are the producers of Prasanna Vadanam movie?
Prasanna Vadanam movie is produced by Manikanta J S and Reddy Prasad T R.