OMG 2 is an upcoming Bollywood satirical comedy drama movie written and directed by Amit Rai. The movie features Akshay Kumar, Pankaj Tripathi, Yami Gautam and Arun Govil in lead roles and serves as the sequel to OMG – Oh My God released in 2012. The movie revolves the subject of Indian education system. The movie is produced by Vipul D. Shah, Rajesh Bahl and Ashwin Varde by under the banner of Cape of Good Films, Viacom18 Studios and Wakaoo Films. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about OMG 2release date, cast, plot, teaser, trailer and more.
OMG 2 Release Date
The much awaited Hindi movie OMG 2 which is already among the most anticipated and must-watch Bollywood movies of 2023 is all set to release in cinema halls on August 11, 2023.
OMG 2 Cast
Akshay Kumar
Aamir Naik as Policeman
Pankaj Tripathi
Fahim Fazli as Kahan baba
Arun Govil as Lord Ram
Parth Siddhpura
Rajiv Kachroo
Abhishek Chouksey
Shriidhar Dubey as Chandu Padiyal
Kabir Sadanand
Vedika Nawani as Sophie
Simmran Sharma as Mother
James Ghadge as Yash
Nrbarz as Doctor
Hemant Soni as Middle Aged man
Parag Chhapekar as Medical Shop Owner
Sumit Nagar as Kamini’s Assistant 2
OMG 2 Plot
OMG 2 is a intense courtroom drama that strikes a balance between intensity and entertainment. The plot revolves around a concerned citizen who petitions the court to mandate sex education in schools. The writer and director, Amit Rai, skillfully intertwines the unconventional court case with the theme of religion, creating a thought-provoking narrative.
This Hindi-language movie delves into the Indian education system, presenting a storyline that draws inspiration from Hindu beliefs. Building upon OMG 1, where we witnessed Akshay Kumar portraying Krishna’s avatar, OMG 2 showcases him in the garb of Lord Shiva, further adding depth to the film’s portrayal.
Also Read: OMG 2 Budget and Box Office Collection Prediction
OMG 2 Teaser
The official teaser of OMG 2 movie was released by Viacom18 Studios on their official YouTube channel.
OMG 2 Trailer
The official trailer of OMG 2 movie will be soon released by Viacom18 Studios on their official YouTube channel.
Also Read: OMG 2 Cast Salary: Akshay Kumar and Pankaj Tripathi Earn a Huge Amount
Q. What is the release date of OMG 2 movie?
A. OMG 2 movie will be released on 11th August 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of OMG 2 movie?
A. OMG 2 movie is directed by Amit Rai.
Q. Who are the producers of OMG 2 movie?
A. OMG 2 movie is produced by Vipul D. Shah, Rajesh Bahl and Ashwin Varde.
Q. Who is the writer of OMG 2 movie?
A. OMG 2 movie is written by Amit Rai.