My Life with the Walter Boys is a new American television series that debuted on Netflix on December 7, 2023. This coming-of-age drama is based on Ali Novak’s 2014 novel of the same name, originally published on Wattpad. The storyline revolves around Jackie Howard (played by Nikki Rodriguez), a Manhattan teenager who, after becoming an orphan, moves to rural Colorado to live with the Walters, a family consisting of ten sons. Melanie Halsall developed the Netflix series, and the screenplay is a collaborative effort between Halsall and Ali Novak. The cast features Marc Blucas, Alisha Newton, and Sarah Rafferty.
My Life with the Walter Boys Season 2 Release Date on Netflix
My Life with the Walter Boys Season 2 is expected to be released in 2025 on Netflix. The first season of the web series has gotten mixed reviews, but despite that, the series is expected to get renewed.
My Life with the Walter Boys Season 2 Cast
- Nikki Rodriguez as Jackie Howard
- Ashby Gentry as Alex Walter, Jackie’s adoptive brother
- Noah LaLonde as Cole Walter, Jackie’s adoptive brother
- Sarah Rafferty as Dr. Katherine Walter, Jackie’s legal guardian
- Marc Blucas as George Walter, Jackie’s adoptive father
- Corey Fogelmanis as Nathan Walter, Jackie’s adoptive brother
- Jaylan Evans as Skylar Summerhill
- Connor Stanhope as Danny Walter, Jackie’s adoptive brother
- Zoë Soul as Haley Young
- Johnny Link as Will Walter, Jackie’s adoptive brother
- Alisha Newton as Erin
- Ashley Holliday as Tara
- Moheb Jindran as Nikhil
- Mya Lowe as Kiley
- Gabrielle Jacinto as Olivia
- Ellie O’Brien as Grace
- Dean Petriw as Jordan Walter, Jackie’s adoptive brother
- Lennix James as Benny Walter, Jackie’s adoptive brother
- Alix West Lefler as Parker Walter, Jackie’s adoptive sister
Also read: My Life with the Walter Boys Netflix Review: Endearing Coming-of-Age Drama
My Life with the Walter Boys Season 2 Plot
The show will track the journey of Jackie Howard (portrayed by Nikki Rodriguez), a teenage girl from Manhattan who, following her recent orphanhood, moves to rural Colorado. She is welcomed into the Walters’ household, a family consisting of ten sons.
My Life with the Walter Boys Season 2 FAQs
1- What is the release date of My Life with the Walter Boys Season 2?
My Life with the Walter Boys Season 2 is expected to be released in 2025 on Netflix.
2- Has Netflix renewed the series?
No, the series is yet to be renewed.