Madgaon Express is an upcoming Hindi comedy drama movie written and directed by Kunal Kemmu. This movie produced under the banner of Excel Entertainment, features Pratik Gandhi, Divyendu Sharma and Avinash Tiwary in the lead roles, along with Nora Fatehi, Upendra Limaye, Chhaya Kadam, Remo D’Souza, Nikolai Musalkov, Anupam Hinge and many others in the supporting roles. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Madgaon Express movie release date, cast, crew, storyline and more.
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Madgaon Express Movie Release Date
The much awaited Hindi comedy drama movie Madgaon Express, starring Pratik Gandhi, Divyendu Sharma and Avinash Tiwary is all set to release in cinema halls on March 22, 2024.
Madgaon Express Movie Cast
- Pratik Gandhi
- Divyendu Sharma
- Avinash Tiwary
- Nora Fatehi
- Upendra Limaye
- Chhaya Kadam
- Remo D’Souza
- Nikolai Musalkov
- Anupam Hinge
Madgaon Express Movie Crew
Kunal Kemmu is the director of the upcoming Hindi comedy drama movie, which is produced under the banner of Excel Entertainment. Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani serves as the producers for this movie. Ajay-Atul serves as the music director. Adil Afsar holds the position of director of photography, while Anand Subaya is the editor of this movie. Kunal Kemmu also serves as the writer for this movie.
Madgaon Express Movie Storyline
The storyline of Madgaon Express movie revolves around three childhood friends, who embark on a trip to Goa that goes completely off-track when they wake up in a hotel room and find cocaine that belongs to a don named Mendoza.
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Madgaon Express Movie FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Madgaon Express movie?
A. Madgaon Express movie will be released on 22nd March 2024 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Madgaon Express movie?
A. Madgaon Express movie is directed by Kunal Kemmu.
Q. Who is the writer of Madgaon Express movie?
A. Madgaon Express movie is written by Kunal Kemmu.
Q. Who are the producers of Madgaon Express movie?
A. Madgaon Express movie is produced by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani.