Hollywood Con Queen: A Boring Adaptation of an Interesting Scam

Hollywood Con Queen Review


Hollywood Con Queen takes us behind the scenes of a mind-boggling scam that targeted unsuspecting victims in the entertainment industry. This true crime docuseries, directed by Anne investigative journalist Scott Johnson, delves into the murky waters of deception, catfishing, and psychological manipulation.

Hargobind Tahilramani exploited freelance actors, makeup artists, and photographers for more than a decade by impersonating powerful Hollywood women such as Amy Pascal, Wendi Deng Murdoch, and Sherry Lansing. How does he operate? Convincing victims to spend their hard-earned money on acting classes, gym memberships, and speculative trips to his native Indonesia for nonexistent projects. The scam was elaborate, but the story could have been told in a much shorter time.


The first hour of Hollywood Con Queen features victim testimonials. Their experiences are recounted in minute detail, including every phone call, blocked number, and moment of fear. The psychological manipulation, sexual harassment, and financial losses are exposed. But here’s the problem: minutiae bore us. We’re left wondering why this story required such a lengthy three-hour runtime when it could have been a concise and riveting hour-long documentary.

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Tahilramani’s web ensnared over 500 people, but the documentary focuses on only a few of them. Perhaps this decision was made to avoid prurience or to protect the privacy of those involved. Regardless, it takes away from the story’s urgency. We want a tighter story, a sharper focus on uncovering the scam, and a deeper exploration of the psychology of both the perpetrator and the prey.

Hollywood Con Queen is a quick binge for fraud enthusiasts, but it lacks a central theme. It’s like a catfish that entices but eventually leaves us craving substance. While the scam itself is incredible, the series drags it out, leaving us with 180 backside-numbing minutes. A missed opportunity to deliver a punchy exposé that would have lasted long after the credits rolled.


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