Election is an upcoming Tamil action thriller movie written and directed by Thamizh. This movie produced under the banner of Reel Good Films, stars Vijay Kumar and Preethi Asrani in the lead roles, along with George Maryan, Pavel and many others in the supporting roles. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Election movie release date, cast, crew, story and more.
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Election Movie Release Date
The much awaited Tamil action thriller movie Election, starring Vijay Kumar and Preethi Asrani is all set to release in cinema halls on May 17, 2024.
Election Movie Cast
- Vijay Kumar
- Preethi Asrani
- George Maryan
- Richa Joshi
- Dileepan
- Pavel
Election Movie Crew
Thamizh is the director of the upcoming Tamil action thriller movie, which is produced under the banner of Reel Good Films. Aditya serves as the producer for this movie. Govind Vasantha serves as the music director. Mahendran Jayaraju holds the position of cinematographer, while C.S. Prem is the editor of this movie. Thamizh also serves as the writer of this movie along with Vijay Kumar and Azhagiyae Periyavan.
Election Movie Story
The story of Election movie revolves around Nadarasan, who is uninterested in politics, runs for panchayat leader to honor his father. As he delves into the murky world of election politics, he faces violence, rivalry, and betrayals.
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Election Movie FAQs
1- What is the release date of Election movie?
Election movie will be released on 17th May 2024 in the cinema halls.
2- Who is the director of Election movie?
Election movie is directed by Thamizh.
3- Who is the writer of Election movie?
Election movie is written by Thamizh, Vijay Kumar and Azhagiyae Periyavan.
4- Who is the producer of Election movie?
Election movie is produced by Aditya.