Dhak Dhak is a Hindi drama movie directed by Tarun Dudeja and co-written by Parijat Joshi. The movie features Fatima Sana Shaikh, Sanjana Sanghi and Dia Mirza in the lead roles, along with Benedict Garrett, Ratna Pathak Shah, Kallirroi Tziafeta, Avanish Pandey, Nishank Verma, and many others in the supporting roles. The movie is produced by Pranjal Khandhdiya and Taapsee Pannu under the banner of BLM Pictures, One India Stories, Viacom18 Studios and Outsider Flims Productions. Here is the sixth day box office collection details of Dhak Dhak.
Dhak Dhak Box Office Collection Day 6
Dhak Dhak is expected to earn around Rs 1.1 Crore at the box office on day 6. The story of Dhak Dhak movie follows four women, who set out for a road trip to the highest motorable pass in the world on their bikes on a journey of self-discovery.
Also read: Dhak Dhak Box Office Collection Day 5
Dhak Dhak is estimated to be made on a budget of around Rs 25 Crore. The film is about a biker traveler. It follows the journey of four women. Dhak Dhak is produced by Ajit Andhare, Kevin Vaz, Pranjal Khandhdiya and Taapsee Pannu under the banner of BLM Pictures, Outsider Flims Productions and Viacom18 Studios.