DarkGame is an upcoming horror thriller movie directed by Howard J. Ford. Written by Tom George, Gary Grant and Niall Johnson this movie features Ed Westwick, Natalya Tsvetkova, Lola Wayne, Rory Alexander, Andrew McGillan, Miztli Rose and Natasha Skutka in the lead roles. The movie is produced under the banner of Happy Hour Films, Happy Hour Productions and JCG Bits Productions. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about DarkGame release date, star cast, crew, storyline and more.
DarkGame Movie Release Date
Ed Westwick and Natalya Tsvetkova’s upcoming horror thriller movie, DarkGame is all set to release worldwide on February 29, 2024.
DarkGame Movie Star Cast
- Ed Westwick as Ben
- Andrew P Stephen as The Presenter
- Natalya Tsvetkova as Katia
- Lola Wayne as Cathy
- Rory Alexander as Parker Green
- Andrew McGillan as Sasha
- Miztli Rose as Esparza
- Anthony Ofoegbu as Captain Larson
- Natasha Skutka as Chloe
- Joe Urquhart as Sam
- Joseph Tweedale as Alex
- Marc Danbury as FBI Agent Jackson
- Rose Reynolds as Lisa
- Polina Nioly Pushkareva as Amy
- Eamonn Fleming as Ray
- Rick Yale as Larch
- Ikay Agu as FBI Agent Cole
- Caterina Gabanella as Sofia
DarkGame Movie Crew
The crew of DarkGame movie includes Howard J. Ford as the director. The movie is produced by Tom George. The production companies involved in the movie are Happy Hour Films, Happy Hour Productions and JCG Bits Productions. Nikk Fielden has handled the editing, while Imran Ahmad has given the music of the movie. Tom George also serves as the co-writers of this movie along with Gary Grant and Niall Johnson.
DarkGame Movie Storyline
The storyline of DarkGame movie revolves around a determined detective is in a race against time to stop a twisted game show on the dark web, where captives are forced to compete for their lives.
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DarkGame Movie FAQs
Q. What is the release date of DarkGame movie?
A. DarkGame movie will be released on 29th February 2024 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of DarkGame movie?
A. DarkGame movie is directed by Howard J. Ford.
Q. Who is the producer of DarkGame movie?
A. DarkGame movie is produced by Tom George.
Q. Who are the writers of DarkGame movie?
A. DarkGame movie is written by Tom George, Gary Grant and Niall Johnson.