Crooks is an upcoming crime drama series that will be soon streaming on Netflix. The series is written by Benjamin Hessler, Marvin Kren and Georg Lippert. The teaser and trailer of Crooks series is already released by Netflix on their official YouTube channel.
The series directed by Cüneyt Kaya and Marvin Kren, is produced by Viola Film and Wiedemann & Berg Filmproduktion. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Crooks Netflix Series release date, star cast, crew, storyline and more.
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Crooks Netflix Series Release Date
Netflix has announced the release date of their highly-anticipated crime drama series Crooks. The series will be available to binge-watch from 4th April 2024.
Crooks Netflix Series Star Cast
- Jonathan Tittel
- Nicolas Wanczycki
- Svenja Jung
- Frederick Lau
- Kida Khodr Ramadan
- Klara Mucci
- Christoph F. Krutzler
- Karl Welunschek
Crooks Netflix Series Crew
The crew of Crooks Netflix Series includes Simone Gandolfo and Laurent Paul as the producers. The series is directed by Cüneyt Kaya and Marvin Kren. Stefan Will is responsible for the music. The series is produced under the banner of Viola Film, Wiedemann & Berg Filmproduktion and is distributed by Netflix. Benjamin Hessler serves as the writer of this series along with Marvin Kren and Georg Lippert.
Crooks Netflix Series Storyline
The storyline of Netflix Series Crooks reads, “Charly lives a quiet life with his family in Berlin until his dark past catches up with him. The life of his family is threatened by “old acquaintances” who force Charly to steal a valuable coin. Joseph, driver of a clan from Vienna, is supposed to bring the loot to Austria. However, the well-thought-out plan fails and a shootout ensues, resulting in someone dying. Inevitably, the fates of Charly and Joseph collide, who now have to flee and take Charly’s family to safety.”
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Crooks Netflix Series FAQs
1- What is the release date of Netflix Series Crooks?
Netflix Series Crooks will be released on 4th April 2024 exclusively only on Netflix.
2- Who are the directors of Netflix Series Crooks?
Netflix Series Crooks is directed by Cüneyt Kaya and Marvin Kren.
3- Who are the writers Netflix Series Crooks?
Netflix Series Crooks is written by Benjamin Hessler, Marvin Kren and Georg Lippert.
4- Who are the producers of Netflix Series Crooks?
Netflix Series Crooks is produced by Simone Gandolfo and Laurent Paul.