Citadel is an upcoming Indian television series, serving as a spin-off of the American TV series of the same name. Created by Raj & DK and helmed by them along with Sita R. Menon, the series features a stellar cast including Varun Dhawan, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Sikandar Kher, Kay Kay Menon, Saqib Saleem, and Emma Canning. This article covers everything about the Citadel India web series.
Citadel India 2024 Web Series Release Date
Citadel India web series is going to be released in May 2024 on Amazon Prime Video. The series boasts a powerhouse team of executive producers including André Nemec, Jeff Pinkner, Josh Applebaum, and Scott Rosenberg, alongside producers Anthony Russo, Joe Russo, Mike Larocca, Angela Russo-Otstot, Scott Nemes, David Weil, and Raj & DK. Set in India, with cinematography capturing its essence, each episode runs between 39 to 49 minutes, with production handled by Amazon Studios, Gozie AGBO, Midnight Radio, PKM, Picrow, and D2R Films.
Citadel India Web Series Cast
- Varun Dhawan as Rahi Gambhir
- Samantha Ruth Prabhu as Honey Gambhir, Rahi’s wife
- Sikandar Kher
- Emma Canning
- Kay Kay Menon
- Saqib Saleem
Citadel India Web Series Plot
With the collapse of the global spy agency Citadel and the erasure of its agents’ memories, the formidable Manticore crime syndicate seizes control of the power vacuum. Now, the agents of Citadel must reclaim their past and muster the courage to combat the rising threat.
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Citadel India Web Series FAQs
1- When will Citadel India release on Amazon Prime Video?
Citadel India will release in May 2024 on Amazon Prime Video.
2- Who is in the cast of Citadel India web series?
Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Varun Dhawan are in the cast of Citadel India web series.