Chaari 111 is an upcoming Telugu spy action drama movie directed by TG Keerthi Kumar. This movie produced under the banner of Barkat Studios, features Vennela Kishore, Samyuktha Viswanathan and Priya Malik in the lead roles, along with Satya, Murali Sharma, Rahul Ravindran, Brahmaji, Subhalekha Sudhakar, Thagubothu Ramesh, Pavani Reddyand many others in the supporting roles. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Chaari 111 movie release date, star cast, crew, storyline and more.
Chaari 111 Movie Release Date
The much awaited Telugu spy action drama movie Chaari 111, starring Vennela Kishore, Samyuktha Viswanathan and Priya Malik is all set to release in cinema halls on March 1, 2024.
Chaari 111 Movie Star Cast
- Vennela Kishore
- Satya
- Murli Sharma
- Priya Malik
- Samyuktha Viswanathan
- Rahul Ravindran
- Brahmaji
- Subhalekha Sudhakar
- Thagubothu Ramesh
- Pavani Reddy
Chaari 111 Movie Crew
TG Keerthi Kumar is the director of the upcoming Telugu spy action drama movie, which is produced under the banner of Barkat Studios. Aditi Soni serves as the producer for this movie. Simon K. King serves as the music director. Grover Kashish holds the position of director of photography, while A. Richard Kevin is the editor of this movie. TG Keerthi Kumar serves as the writer for this movie.
Chaari 111 Movie Storyline
The storyline of Chaari 111 movie revolves around Chaari, a clumsy and naive spy who works for the Indian Intelligence Agency. He is assigned to stop a group of terrorists who are planning to unleash chemical weapons in Hyderabad. Along the way, he faces various challenges and hilarious situations as he tries to save the city and prove himself as a competent agent.
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Chaari 111 Movie FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Chaari 111 movie?
A. Chaari 111 movie will be released on 1st March 2024 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Chaari 111 movie?
A. Chaari 111 movie is directed by TG Keerthi Kumar.
Q. Who is the writer of Chaari 111 movie?
A. Chaari 111 movie is written by TG Keerthi Kumar.
Q. Who is the producer of Chaari 111 movie?
A. Chaari 111 movie is produced by Aditi Soni.