Aavesham is an upcoming Malayalam action movie written and directed by Jithu Madhavan. This movie produced under the banner of Anwar Rasheed Entertainment and Fahadh Faasil and Friends, stars Fahadh Faasil and Ashish Vidyarthi in the lead roles, along with Hipzster, Mansoor Ali Khan, Sajin Gopu, Midhutty, Pooja Mohanraj, Mithun Jai Shankar, Roshan Shanavas and many others in the supporting roles. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Aavesham movie release date, star cast, crew, storyline and more.
Table of Contents
Aavesham Movie Release Date
The much awaited Malayalam action movie Aavesham, starring Fahadh Faasil and Ashish Vidyarthi is all set to release in cinema halls on April 11, 2024.
Aavesham Movie Star Cast
- Fahadh Faasil
- Ashish Vidyarthi
- Hipzster
- Mansoor Ali Khan
- Sajin Gopu
- Midhutty
- Pooja Mohanraj
- Mithun Jai Shankar
- Roshan Shanavas
Aavesham Movie Crew
Jithu Madhavan is the writer and director of the upcoming Malayalam action movie, which is produced under the banner of Anwar Rasheed Entertainment and Fahadh Faasil and Friends. Fahadh Faasil, Nazriya Nazim and Anwar Rasheed serves as the producers for this movie. Sushin Shyam serves as the music director. Sameer Thahir holds the position of cinematographer, while Vivek Harshan is the editor of this movie.
Aavesham Movie Storyline
The storyline of Aavesham movie revolves around a family who lives in Bengaluru and the story further follows them as they play Ojo board.
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Aavesham Movie FAQs
1- What is the release date of Aavesham movie?
Aavesham movie will be released on 11th April 2024 in the cinema halls.
2- Who is the director of Aavesham movie?
Aavesham movie is directed by Jithu Madhavan.
3- Who is the writer of Aavesham movie?
Aavesham movie is written by Jithu Madhavan.
4- Who are the producers of Aavesham movie?
Aavesham movie is produced by Fahadh Faasil, Nazriya Nazim and Anwar Rasheed.