57 Seconds is an upcoming Hollywood sci-fi thriller movie directed by Rusty Cundieff and written by Macon Blair. The movie features Josh Hutcherson and Morgan Freeman. The movie is s based on the story “Fallen Angel” by Edwin Charles Tubb and introduces a time-altering device for the protagonist’s quest for justice. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about 57 Seconds release date, cast, plot, teaser, trailer and more.
57 Seconds Release Date
Josh Hutcherson and Morgan Freeman’s upcoming sci-fi thriller Hollywood movie 57 Seconds is all set to entertain the audience and is scheduled to release worldwide on September 29, 2023.
57 Seconds Cast
- Josh Hutcherson as Franklin Fausti
- Morgan Freeman as Anton Burrell
- Lovie Simone
- Greg Germann
- Bevin Bru
- Sammi Rotibi
- Mark Jacobson
- D.A. Obahor
- David Kallaway
- AJ Rome
- Kenneth Kynt Bryan
- Matthew Jayson Cwern
- Marcus Brown
57 Seconds Plot
The plot of 57 Seconds movie revolves around Blogger Franklin Fausti, who becomes an unexpected hero when he foils an attack against the visionary tech guru, Anton Burrell, whom he was granted the opportunity to interview. During the incident, Franklin stumbles upon a mysterious ring that Burrell dropped, which grants its wearer the incredible ability to travel 57 seconds into the past.
Empowered by this newfound ability, Franklin, with Burrell’s guidance, decides to seek vengeance against the pharmaceutical company responsible for his sister’s tragic death. Using the ring’s unique power, he delves into the past to uncover the truth behind her demise and embarks on a gripping journey of justice and retribution.
57 Seconds Teaser Trailer
The official teaser trailer of 57 Seconds movie was released by ONE Media on their official YouTube channel.
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57 Seconds FAQs
Q. What is the release date of 57 Seconds movie?
A. 57 Seconds movie will be released on 29th September 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of 57 Seconds movie?
A. 57 Seconds movie is directed by Rusty Cundieff.
Q. Who are the producers of 57 Seconds movie?
A. 57 Seconds movie is produced by Griff Furst, Lori McCreary, Gary Lucchesi and Thomas P. Vitale.
Q. Who is the writer of 57 Seconds movie?
A. 57 Seconds movie is written by Macon Blair.