Turn of the Tide is a Portuguese Netflix Original action thriller series created by Augusto Fraga, and produced by the Lisbon-based studio Ukbar Filmes. The web series is co-written by Fraga alongside Hugo Gonçalves and João Tordo. Fraga is also an executive producer on the Netflix series along with Pandora da Cunha Telles and Pablo Iraola. Here we have covered everything you need to know about Turn of the Tide Netflix Season 2 release date, cast, story, trailer and more.
Turn of the Tide Netflix Season 2 Release Date
Turn of the Tide Netflix Season 2 is expected to release in May 2024. The first season of the Netflix original was released on 26th May 2023 with a total of 7 episodes. Each episode was around 40-50 minutes long. The season 2 of the show is expected to have a similar number of episodes. Turn of the Tide Season 2 is yet to be officially renewed by Netflix for a second season.
Also read: Fubar Season 2 Release Date on Netflix, Cast, Plot, Trailer and More
Turn of the Tide Netflix Season 2 Cast
- José Condessa as Eduardo
- Helena Caldeira as Silvia
- Rodrgio Tomás as Rafael
- André Leitão as Carlinhos
- Maria João Bastos as Inspectora
- Pêpê Rapazote as Uncle Joe
- Albano Jerónimo as Arruda
- Salvador Martinha as Estagiário
- Adriano Carvalho as Jeremias
- Kelly Bailey as Bruna
- João Pedro Vaz as Banha
- LuÃsa Cruz as Dona Valentina
- Francesco Acquaroli as Monti
- Marcantonio Del Carlo as Francesco Bonino
- Dinarte de Freitas as Zé do Frango / Zé do Carro
- David Medeiros as Lavrador
- Frederico Amaral as Ferrugem
Turn of the Tide Season 2 Netflix Plot
Off the coast of his home island, a boat carrying cocaine sinks, and Eduardo sees this as a risky but exciting opportunity to make money and realize his impossible dreams.
Turn of the Tide Season 2 Trailer
The trailer for second season is yet to be released. Here is the trailer for the first season.
Turn of the Tide Netflix Season 2 FAQs
1- What is the release date of Turn of the Tide Netflix Season 2?
Turn of the Tide Netflix Season 2 can release in May 2024.
2- Is Turn of the Tide renewed for a second season by Netflix?
No, the show is yet to be officially renewed.