The Absence of Eden is an upcoming thriller drama movie directed by Marco Perego. The cast of this movie includes stars Zoe Saldaña, Garrett Hedlund, Adria Arjona and Tom Waits. Distributed by Roadside Attractions and Vertical Entertainment, this movie is produced under the banner of Ashland Hill Media Finance, Cinestar Pictures, Ingenious Media and Pioneer Pictures. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about The Absence of Eden movie release date, cast, crew, storyline and more.
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The Absence of Eden Movie Release Date
Zoe Saldaña, Garrett Hedlund and Adria Arjona’s upcoming thriller drama movie, The Absence of Eden is all set to release worldwide on April 12, 2024. The movie had its world premiere at the Taormina Film Festival on June 23, 2023.
The Absence of Eden Movie Cast
- Zoe Saldana
- Adria Arjona
- Garrett Hedlund
- Tom Waits
- Chris Coy
- Morningstar Angeline
- Sarah Minnich
- Luce Rains
- Sophia Hammons
- Martin Palmer
- David DeLao
- Vincent Fuentes
- Esodie Geiger
- Carma Harvey
- David Bortolucci
- Clint Obenchain
- Leonel Garza
- Maeve Garay
The Absence of Eden Movie Crew
The Absence of Eden movie crew includes Marco Perego as the director of this thriller drama movie. The movie is produced by Karl Herrmann, Robert Kravis, Alexandra Milchan, Marco Perego, Zoe Saldaña, Julie Yorn and Rick Yorn. The movie is produced under the banner of Ashland Hill Media Finance, Cinestar Pictures, Ingenious Media and Pioneer Pictures, while it is distributed by Roadside Attractions and Vertical Entertainment. Lee Haugen has handled the editing, while Javier Juliá has done the cinematography for this upcoming movie. Marco Perego also serves as the writers of this movie along with Rick Rapoza. Oliver Coates have given the music.
The Absence of Eden Movie Storyline
The storyline of The Absence of Eden movie follows an ICE Agent struggling with the moral dilemmas of border security and an undocumented woman fighting to escape a ruthless cartel cross paths and work together to save the life of an innocent girl.
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The Absence of Eden Movie FAQs
1- What is the release date of The Absence of Eden movie?
The Absence of Eden movie will be released on 12th April 2024 in the cinema halls.
2- Who is the directors of The Absence of Eden movie?
The Absence of Eden movie is directed by Marco Perego.
3- Who are the producers of The Absence of Eden movie?
The Absence of Eden movie is produced by Karl Herrmann, Robert Kravis, Alexandra Milchan, Marco Perego, Zoe Saldaña, Julie Yorn and Rick Yorn.
4- Who are the writers of The Absence of Eden movie?
The Absence of Eden movie is written by Marco Perego and Rick Rapoza.