Mission Raniganj: The Great Bharat Rescue is a disaster thriller film released in 2023 in the Indian Hindi language. Directed by Tinu Suresh Desai and produced by Pooja Entertainment, the movie is written by Vipul K Rawal. It draws its inspiration from the tragic events of the Raniganj Coalfields collapse in 1989, which occurred in West Bengal. The film features leading actors Akshay Kumar and Parineeti Chopra in prominent roles. Here we have covered everything you need to know about the day 1 box office collection of Mission Raniganj in detail.
Mission Raniganj Box Office Collection Day 1
Mission Raniganj is expected to earn around Rs 8 Crore at the box office on day 1. The first day box office collection of the film highlights that people have loved the trailer and the makers of Mission Raniganj have managed to create a hype without much promotion.
Also read: Mission Raniganj Movie Review: Akshay Kumar’s Heroic Portrayal Stands Tall
The movie is centered around the remarkable story of Jaswant Singh Gill, a courageous and dedicated mining engineer hailing from IIT Dhanbad. He played a pivotal role in saving 65 miners who were trapped during the tragic events at the Raniganj Coalfields in 1989.