WhatsApp said on Tuesday that to curb the spread of misinformation, it is announcing limits on forwarded messages to 1 chat at a time. This limit kicks in once a message has been previously forwarded 5 times or more.
WhatsApp also said it is beta testing a feature to empower users to find out more information around forwarded messages.
That idea involves displaying a magnifying glass icon next to these frequently forwarded messages, giving users the option to send that message to a web search where they can find news results or other sources of information.
“Double-checking these messages before forwarding may help reduce the spread of rumors. This feature is currently in testing and we’ll keep you updated on next steps,” WhatsApp said.
In January 2019 WhatsApp had announced limits on forwarded messages to constrain virality. It also introduced new privacy settings and an invite system to help users decide who can add them to groups.WhatsApp said it bans two million accounts per month for attempting to send bulk or automated messages.
The company also announced the WhatsApp Coronavirus Information Hub in partnership with the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and UNDP last month.
The messaging app said the WhatsApp Coronavirus Information Hub has been launched to provide simple, actionable guidance for health workers, educators, community leaders, nonprofits, local governments and local businesses that rely on platform to communicate.
Source- Economic Times